How Your Personality Type Dictates Your Investing Style

What if I told you a crucial key to your investing success is something you never expected? It’s not a breakthrough stock-picking formula. It’s not a special brokerage account. It’s not a cutting-edge tax shelter. It’s your personality type. Now, bear with me: I’m not talking about astrology, newspaper horoscopes, or those scammy online tests. Those […]

How the Government Shutdown Will Affect Your Investments

Everyone is talking about the government shutdown — the battle of partisan politics, the 800,000+ jobs that have been furloughed, the irritation of not being able to visit a national park. But what’s going to happen to your investment portfolio? It’s tough to give a definitive answer to what’s going to happen, but we can […]

Protect Your Portfolio from Hyperinflation and Depression

Not many investors pay much attention to deflation or hyperinflation — most believe they are black swan events. Like a junk food eater who ignores diabetes because he feels okay right now, we tend to think of devastating, macro-level financial catastrophes in an abstract “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” way . . . until disaster hits our doorstep with total […]

What Do Real Estate Agents Really Do Anymore?

Today I want to take a tangent and discuss real estate — specifically real estate agents. I have a good family friend that is looking to buy their first home, and their experience hasn’t been easy. That’s not to say that buying real estate is ever easy, but dealing with a real estate agent should […]